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Digital Communication Ganesh Rao Pdf 12: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Control Engineering and Sig


Mobile Phone and Internet Use Habits: A structured questionnaire (available as an online-only supplementary file) was prepared, based on existing literature on the use of mobile-based technologies in patients with mental illness and substance use disorders. The questionnaire included questions on phone ownership, type of phone, frequency of changing mobile phone and numbers in the past year, mobile technology use (including the Internet, Facebook, WhatsApp, games, maps, camera), access to various forms of communication (such as the Internet, landline, text messages), number of apps (including health apps) installed, etc.

Digital Communication Ganesh Rao Pdf 12

American workers are also harmed under the status quo. When dominant firms drive out competitors and achieve market capture, firms become labor monopsonists,64 meaning that they acquire disproportionate power to set and decrease wages because they face little competition that might otherwise motivate a competitive wage and safe working conditions.65 Worker abuse is easy to disguise through the ubiquitous use of opaque business software and algorithmic management systems, which may rely on surveillance to monitor and shape worker behavior.66 While some of these issues can be addressed through updating and robustly enforcing labor laws, the competitive failings of digital markets will continually put downward pressure on wages and working conditions in monopsonized labor markets.

A scale-at-any-cost growth mindset,88 overly broad interpretations of intermediary liability laws that cover the sale of physical goods,89 and other factors have disincentivized the development of more reasonable responsibility for consumer protection. For years, lawmakers have asked e-commerce sites to stop selling unsafe, banned, fraudulent, or knock-off products and asked other websites to stop advertising them.90 A lack of quality control makes it easy to place false listings or reviews online to scam consumers, scam businesses, damage competitors, harass victims, and divert traffic from legitimate small businesses.91 Negligent safety standards on large platforms have enabled bad actors to commit elaborate frauds, ranging from digital advertising schemes that scam advertisers to fake accommodations listings that defraud would-be guests to marketplaces that fail to protect users from scammers at scale.92 In some cases, the gap between self-defined platform terms and actual enforcement across these issues is apparent.93

The evolution of online services has outpaced the application and interpretation of civil rights laws to digital properties and transactions. In general, civil rights laws apply broadly, including to online behavior, transactions, and properties; the law, for example, does not distinguish between discrimination in employment advertisements in a newspaper and online. Yet in practice, the protection of civil rights online has lagged behind emerging and present risks, outpacing the ability of the DOJ, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other federal and state enforcement bodies and officers to identify and investigate potential violations. Numerous groups, including the Center for American Progress, have called for the creation of an Office of Civil Rights at the FTC to strengthen its ability to prevent discrimination and protect equal opportunity online.203

The rationale for this proposed mix of obligations and protections is three-fold: (1) discriminatory pricing practices can stifle innovation and competition; (2) infrastructural digital services pose different regulatory problems than the consumer-facing websites, services, and apps they support; and (3) there is substantial risk to freedom of expression when content regulation is pushed lower on the stack.

The tradition of common carriage in the telecommunications space also provides useful references for conceptualizing appropriate public safety obligations. Telecommunication providers are required to facilitate emergency services such as 911 connections and emergency information. In a similar vein, services opting in to the online infrastructure model could be required to provide certain standardized public safety measures. These could include clear requirements and standards on reporting illegal content, such as incitement to violence, time and process requirements for the service to investigate and act, referral requirements to appropriate law enforcement entities, and standard lawful preservation requests.

Khan makes a persuasive case for reviving structural separation approaches for digital markets, particularly in light of the challenges in functional separation.278 Indeed, when determined by the courts or clearly laid out in statue, structural separation is a preferred strategy for grappling with fundamental anti-competitive conflicts of interests within digital platforms, although it has been infrequently used in recent decades.

While some of the harms from dominant digital gatekeepers can be alleviated by industrywide rules and baselines imposed on general online service providers, others will require dedicated scrutiny. Due to the regulatory debt built up around gatekeepers and their economic importance, one-size-fits-all rules cannot always capture the issues posed by particular gatekeeping powers. In addition to clear rules wherever possible, a regulator with the mandate to examine the best way to preserve and balance the principles set forth by Congress, with the flexibility to evaluate specific types of gatekeeper power, would be a useful complement to reinvigorated antitrust action in the digital platform space.

Given the invisible yet pervasive nature of modern digital consumer protections harms and their threats to fundamental rights, the FTC will play a critical role in reigning in predatory practices, regardless of how any other expansions are accomplished.

Gradually, the city grew into a major naval base and became the central administrative centre for the British in South India.[80] The city served as the baseline for the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India started on 10 April 1802.[81] With the advent of railways in India in the 19th century, the thriving urban centre was connected to other important cities such as Bombay and Calcutta, promoting increased communication and trade with the hinterland.[82] Sir Arthur Lawley was Governor of Madras from 1906 to 1911 and promoted modern agriculture, industry, railways, education, the arts and more democratic governance.[83] The Governor lived in Government House, Fort St George, and had a country home at Guindy, with access to a golf course, hockey pitches, riding stables and the Guindy Horse Racing Track.[84][85] In the First World War as Red Cross Commissioner in Mesopotamia, he looked after the welfare of Indian soldiers.[86] Madras was the only Indian city to be attacked by the Central Powers during World War I,[87] when an oil depot was shelled by the German light cruiser SMS Emden on 22 September 1914, as it raided shipping lanes in the Indian Ocean, causing disruption to shipping.[88]

Chennai is one of four Indian cities connected to the rest of the world by undersea fibre-optic cables, the other three being Mumbai, Kochi, and Tuticorin. The city is the landing point of major submarine telecommunication cable networks such as SMW4 (connecting India with Western Europe, Middle East and Southeast Asia), i2i (connecting India with Singapore), TIC (connecting India with Singapore), BBG (connecting India with the Sultanate of Oman, Malaysia, the UAE, and Sri Lanka), Gulf Bridge International, and BRICS (connecting India with Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa). The 3,175-km-long, 8-fiber-paired i2i has the world's largest design capacity of 8.4 terabits per second.[308][309][310][311] Work to lay a 2,300-km undersea optical submarine cable connecting Andaman and Nicobar Islands to mainland India through Chennai, carrying 100 Gbit/s optical waves, is slated to begin in December 2019 and completed by March 2020. It will connect Port Blair and the islands of Havelock, Little Andaman (Hutbay), Car Nicobar, Kamorta, Great Nicobar, Long Island and Rangat with Indian mainland.[312]

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