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Coaching Basketball Downloads Torrent


If you expect this to be a razzle, dazzle video showing lots of Basketball you will be disappointed. It is more a study in how Coach Dean Smith approached living his life.Because of the strength of this video from Showtime I also reviewed Showtime's video on Paul William "Bear" Bryant. Both coaches are similar in one respect. They took the steps to have non-white people play for them at great risk. There is racism today but back then there was a real risk that they could have been harmed. Yet they did what they thought was right.One interesting aspect of the video that many today would not understand is that Coach Dean Smith started amassing his large winning career using what is called the four corner offense. I am not going to tell you how it works. He was unique in other ways in his approach to coaching basketball.What the video didn't show is that he did not get his degree from Kansas University on a sports scholarship (grant). He majored in Mathematics with the help of an academic scholarship.It also didn't show that he spent a lot of his free time studying Philosophy while working as a coach. Do not be so surprised since Mathematics is not really a Science. Mathematics is the queen branch of Philosophy.If you have an hour to spare, watching this video will help you understand how Dean Smith developed as a human being. It isn't all about coaching.

Coaching Basketball Downloads Torrent


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